Deeply inspired by his hometown of Riyadh and the urban, rural, and historical aspects of Athens, including immediate features like highways, street lighting, and abandoned industrial sites, Kahled Makhshoush embarked on a series of illustrations during the Greece Residency. The resulting artworks aimed to depict scenes that resonated with him, blending his familiarity with Saudi Arabia and his observations in Greece. The artist’s primary goal was to establish a visual and emotional connection between the two countries. Interested in exploring environmental and visual analogies between the rural, urban and historical settings Makhshoush drew new works in an attempt to constitute a series of illustrations showing sceneries that struck him particularly between Riyadh and what he saw and observed in Greece, with an intention to highlight the urban and natural landscape both city have to offer.
Khaled Makhshoush (1992, Riyadh, KSA) is a Saudi digital artist specialising in pixel art. He crafts his art using a drawing tablet, stylus, and a mouse, aiming to create atmospheric digital paintings that delve into the intricate connection between emotions and physical space. His work centers around the sensation a place evokes, often portraying scenes inspired by real locations. This blend of reality and imagination invites viewers to partake in his creative vision. Drawing inspiration from the contemporary world and its diverse landscapes, he challenges himself to express his ideas and emotions using the limited yet potent medium of pixel art. Employing colors, shapes, and patterns, he meticulously constructs detailed scenes that capture the essence of his imagination.
Khaled Makhshoush works and lives in Riyadh, KSA. Recent exhibitions include Asprey Studio (London, UK), Edge of Arabia, Badiya Studio.